Projects Mapping microstructural gradients

Mapping microstructural gradients of the human striatum in Parkinson’s disease.

Main applicant: Dr. Aviv Mezer

Affiliation(s): Hebrew University of Jerusalem (IL)

Abstract: The human striatum undergoes significant alterations in Parkinson's Disease (PD). Although MRI is the predominant method for in vivo imaging of the human brain, identifying PD-related changes through MRI remains challenging. We have developed a tool designed to characterize spatial structural changes in the human striatum in vivo. Utilizing an open-source dataset (PPMI), our analysis has successfully characterized PD. In this proposal, our primary objectives are:
1. To validate these findings by replicating the results using the PPP dataset.
2. To investigate whether our analysis can further delineate sub-groups within the PD patient population (based on Johansson et al., NPJ PD 2023, Brain 2024).

Related Publications: Spatial remapping of cotrico-striatal connectivity in Parkinson’s disease.