Data Sharing Requesting data

Procedure For requesting data

Requests for data can be submitted by researchers who will use the PPP data for research questions with regard to Parkinson’s disease or PSP. 

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Documents Download section

This section contains the documents related to data sharing within the Personalized Parkinson Projects.

Additional information on the procedure

RDSRC procedure and deadlines Research and Data Sharing Review Committee

The Research and Data Sharing Review Committee (RDSRC) is the committee that reviews proposals outside the scope of the pre-approved uses of the PPP data. 

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Costs Of data release

The Personalized Parkinson Project is a not-for-profit organization. Data and samples are available for researchers worldwide at cost price.

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Grant Proposal Using PPP data and/or samples

Data and/or samples collected within PPP can be included in a grant proposal as an existing cohort.

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